Moc Chau Plateau, about 190km from Hanoi, is famous nationwide for its beautiful and romantic landscape.
Visiting this plateau, tourists are fascinated by hills of green tea plants which surround houses on stilts of the Thai and Mong ethnic people. When spring comes, the plum gardens start to bloom in all hamlets, forests, mountainsides and valleys, turning the whole region into a charming and romantic painting. The season of plum flowers only lasts about 2-3 weeks and then the young plum fruit appears, promising a bumper crop for the locals.
In recent years, with its beautiful scenery Moc Chau Plateau has become a favorite destination for tourists both at home and abroad.
In recent years, with its beautiful scenery Moc Chau Plateau has become a favorite destination for tourists both at home and abroad.
By Vnp’s Golden Moment Photo Club
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